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Join us every Sunday for Church Online!

10AM All Age Service

An informal 20 min service with a relaxed atmosphere, ideal for young families. We will have live music, a story, a craft activity and prayer. Livestream 

11Am Sofa Service

A 45 min service of worship, an adult focused talk and an opportunity to relax in God’s presence. Livestream 


home group online

Alongside our online Sunday Services, Groups are the key way we will connect with each other, growing together in faith, life and friendship. Groups are online gatherings of people who meet weekly to worship, pray and read the Bible. 

To join a group email 

Daily check-in with Tom

Every week day, head over to our Instagram (@stmatthiasBTN) and Facebook stories to hear a thought for the day from our vicar Tom Holbird.

Tots and Toddlers Story Time

Every Friday at 11am, head to the St Matthias Tots and Toddlers Facebook page for a live song time 'Watch Party'.


Dadventure has gone online ... here is the first ever "Dadventure Online" session: "Making bows and arrows".  We hope you still make time to enjoy some creative fun and exploration time with your kids. Keep your eye on our Dadventure page for all the videos and latest updates. 

New online events

Watch this space for new online community events,