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Race, Faith & Justice

Race, Faith & Justice at St Matthias: Resources List

We aspire to be a vibrant multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial church. While recognising that we still have a very long way to go, we are committed to fighting racism and pursuing racial justice and racial equality. The Justice Team at St Matthias seeks to enable the church to address the issue of racial injustice with theology, education, healthy dialogue, campaigning and prayer. You can join our team here:

Below you will find a list of resources all about race divided by the following themes: Race and Faith, Race in the UK, Race in America, Race in the Age of George Floyd and Fiction & Poetry. This list is not exhaustive, but will provide foundational knowledge about race and why it is relevant to us, as Christians and members of the larger society.

We'd love to invite you to watch our talk series on 'We Need To Keep Talking About Race'.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Race & Faith

Resources in this category cover the intersection of race and faith, from theological explorations of the relevance of race in the scriptures, to resources about complexities of modern day multiethnic Christian church communities.

Resources in this category discuss how race is experienced within the UK from a variety of viewpoints.

Enslaved - BBC Documentary with Samuel L Jackson & Afua Hirsch

Race in America

Resources in this category discuss how race is experienced within the US from a variety of viewpoints.

13th Netflix Movie

Race in the Age of George Floyd

Resources in this category provide key articles about current events concerning the death of George Floyd.

Fiction & Poetry